Østfold College - Department of Informatics and Automation
Software Design

Course Overview

The 3. year specialization in software design attempts to address current challenges in design and implementation in the relationship between information content and digital environments.

The two courses Problemsolving by Design and Program Construction supplemented with a set of lectures in Computer Human Interface Design will give various degrees of introduction and training in the theories, methods and skills needed to answer those challenges.

The courses are held in close cooperation with each other and will be based on a series of four central themes with work-projects that stretch through the entire semester ending with a set of two exams, one for each course.

The work projects almost exclusively involve problem solving relevant to World-Wide Web technology.

The PD course will consist of equal amounts of lectures and lab tutoring.

Methods and resources Themes / Work projects Programming techniques
Resources, technology and design. Publishing and basic content issues. PERL and CGI programming
Imaging, video and animation. Visualization and complex content. Java
Human Computer Interface Design and complex information systems Mapping complex information Java

Created 960820