Good reading
- Tools for Thought, Howard Rheingold, The MIT Press, 2000: ISBN 0-262-68115-3
- Sherry
Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1995. Paperback
edition, New York: Touchstone, 1997
- The Social Life of
Documents, J.S. Brown and P. Duguid
- Networks and Documents at Xerox
- C. Thomas Mitchell, Redefining Designing:
From Form to Experience
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471290815
- New Thinking in Design by C. Thomas
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471286044
- Rowe, Peter G., Design thinking,
Cambridge, Mass.
Mit Pr; ISBN: 026268067X
- Neil A.
When Things Start to Think
Henry Holt & Company, Inc.; ISBN:
- Per Møllerup, "Design er ikke noe i
seg selv" (1998)
Boken foreligger nå i norsk utgave. Den er
skrevet av Per Mollerup, som er dansk designer og
doktor teknologie. Han driver Designlab AS, som
blant annet har hatt ansvaret for den grafiske
profilen for Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen. Han hevder
at design skal tjene en hensikt - i én
ende av skalaen er overlevelse, i den andre enden
er fornøyelse. I midten finner vi design
som gjør hverdagen enklere. Boken koster
kr. 225,- og kan bestilles fra Norsk
- Varer, verdier og vemmelse - essays om
design og konsum
Denne samlingen tekster og intervjuer tar for seg
forholdet mellom varer og verdier. Varene er
på vei til å få mer mening enn
de noensinne har hatt. I stadig større
grad inntar de rollene som skapere og
markører av identitet på bekostning
av tradisjonelle institusjoner som familie, kirke
og klasse. En rekke av klodens vellykkede
kommersielle produkter blir både fra
produsentene og konsumentenes ståsted gitt
roller som historiefortellere og ideologiske
størrelser. I denne boken møter du
den kritiske kunsthistorikeren Nigel Whitley,
deisgneren Per Mollerup, forfatteren og tenkeren
Eivind Røssak, kultursosiologen Kjetil
Rolness og flere andre skarpe og vittige hjerner.
Redaktør Erling Dokk Holm. Boken koster
kr. 120,- og kan bestilles fra Norsk
- Judith
Donath, Diverse
velg og vrak
William J. Mitchell,
The Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the
Post-Photographic Era
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994
- Edward Rolf Tufte, Envisioning
Information (el.l.)
Graphics Press, 1990
- Malcolm McCullough, William J. Mitchell,
Digital Design Media
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991 and 1995
- Howard
Tools for Thought,
Simon & Schuster, New York, 1985
- Marvin
The Society of Mind
Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1988
ISBN 0-671-65713-5 or Voyager CD
- John
M. Carroll, Designing Interaction:
Psychology at the human-computer
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991 (out
of print - kan vi finne en annen?)
- Donald Schon, The Reflective
1984 ISBN 0-465-06874-2
Abstract: A leading MIT social scientist and
consultant examines five
professions--engineering, architecture,
management, psychotherapy, and town planning--to
show how professionals really go about solving
problems. The best professionals, Donald Schon
maintains, know more than they can put into
words. To meet the challenges of their work, they
rely less on formulas learned in graduate school
than on the kind of improvisation learned in
practice. This unarticulated, largely unexamined
process is the subject of Schon's provocatively
original book, an effort to show precisely how
"reflection-in-action" works and how this vital
creativity might be fostered in future
- Thomas Gruber and Daniel Russell, Design
Knowledge and Design Rationale: A Framework for
Representation, Capture, and Use
Technical Report, 1991, Knowledge Systems
Laboratory, Stanford University
Knowledge about the rationale for a design--how
and why a device is designed as it is--can be
valuable, but is difficult to capture in reusable
form. This paper presents a view of design
knowledge capture and the use of design knowledge
for design rationale. We define design rationales
as explanations in response to questions about
the design. These explanations are generated from
knowledge of artifacts and design activities. We
characterize design activity in terms of
observable changes to design descriptions, and
present a theory of design knowledge in the form
of an ontology of comcepts about design
descriptions and operations on them. The theory
unifies artifact description and decision-making
views of design. Based on the theory, we
characterize different methods of acquiring
design knowledge and design rationale in the
context of integrated design support
environments. We then analyze in depth two design
knowledge capture techniques: a semiformal
representation tool and a model-based explanation
system, and we explain their functions and how
they work.
- David G. Ullman, Stephen Wood, David Craig,
The Importance of Drawing in the Mechanical
Design Process
1990, Pergamon Press plc (Computer &
Graphics, Vol.14, No.2, pp.263-274, 1990)
This paper is study on the importance of drawing
(both formal drafting and informal sketching)
during the process of mechanical design. Five
hypotheses, focused on the types of drawings,
their necessity in mechanical problem solving,
and their relation to the external representation
medium, are presented and suppoerted. Support is
through referenced studies in other domains and
the results of protocol studies performed on five
mechanical designers. Videotapes of all the
marks-on-paper made by designer in representative
sections of the design process were studies in
detail for their type and purpose. The resulting
data is supportive of the hypotheses. These
results also give requirements for future
computer aided design tools and graphics
education, and goals for further studies.
- Harrison, Hiltz, Teles and Turoff,
Learning Networks; A field guide
MIT Press, 1995 ISBN 0-262-08236-5