1. Opphavsrett Alt arbeid skal ha: - Forfatter - Sted - Dato - Opphavsrett - Eiendomsrett - Disposisjonsrett Åndsverksloven (http://www.lovdata.no/all/nl-19610512-002.html) Berne Convention (http://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/ip/berne/trtdocs_wo001.html) 70 years after artist's death Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/) 2. Tekst og tall Encoding http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_encoding Implementation - UTF-8 (Character Viewer / Keyboard Viewer) - HTML (ø, UTF-8 charset, L2R/R2L) Strings Textfil formater (txt, rtf, odf, html, doc) - check the file format with "file" - examine the file with od -t c filename - (spurious characters) Sorting (sort / emacs sort) Søking (grep, spotlight, find) 3. Text og tallbehandling Editorer og displayere - ed, vi, vim, emacs, Preview, display, gs Transformasjoner av encoding - iconv, Text Edit, emacs Sorteringer String replacement - sed, awk, emacs Tallbehandling - shell math echo $[34-7+3] echo $[ (8+4) * 3 ] - spreadsheets (file names, renumbering) - gnuplot (mice, temperatures) 4. Metadata / GPS - GPS-tracker + camera - show track - redate pictures - examine with exiftool - annotate with Houdah Geo - iPhone tracker & pictures - redate pictures - show track - examine with Preview - annontate